Revive me, O Lord, according to the Word. Psalm 119:107, NKJV

For those of us that live in colder climates, springtime can’t come quickly enough, right? After enduring a long winter, even the promise of spring gives us hope. But for teachers, the promise of spring can have an entirely different meaning. It typically evokes an “only-the-strong-survive, buckle-down, hang-on, never-say-die, and 2-lattes-a-day-with-no-regrets” mentality because we all know students think school is over after spring break.

Do you ever get stuck in this springtime, all-consuming mental “rut?”

I let myself fall into this rut every spring for many years until I finally realized my lack of balance. I allowed busyness to define me for way too long!

As teachers/spouses/parents/caregivers, we don’t always get to choose how we spend the majority of our time. But with intentionality, we can find a part of each day to spend time alone with God. Truthfully, carving out this precious time is essential. When we fall into all-consuming, overwhelming ruts, it is usually a direct result of not spending time in God’s Word. God wants us to use our time wisely. And when we do, He rewards us for it. God is always faithful to refresh our souls!

So if you feel like you are in a rut, I encourage you to spend some time in the Word today!

Lord, You so wisely gave us seasons in our lives. Thank you for springtime which brings splashes of color and new life. They remind us that You give us fresh, new beginnings with You each day. Help us to always make time in our days to be with You. Revive us with Your Word and through Your Spirit. Amen.

Copyright Terri Taylor.

Terri is a longtime member and retired eighth-grade math teacher from Colorado. She blogs at

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Teachers of Vision is a digital and printed magazine that is for teachers and written by teachers to encourage and equip the educational community.

Kingdom Perspective

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