O God, my heart is fixed; I will sing and give praise, even with my glory. Awake, psaltery and harp: I myself will awake early. Ps 108:1-2, KJV

“Jubilant! I feel jubilant! This is why I teach! Today’s class response made all the hard work worthwhile!”

“Horrible. The worst day of my teaching career. How can I live through this one more day? I simply have no strength to put one foot in front of the other. I’m done!”

Are those responses from two different teachers? No. They are responses from one teacher on two different days.

I can’t imagine any other career that has as many highs and lows as teaching.

Why all of the highs and lows?

First, consider the number of students with single parents, an incarcerated relative, a sick animal, a new pimple, a recent fender bender, a parent out of work, or a romance problem. Then, consider the number of teachers with marital problems, financial stresses, elderly parents requiring care, fussy babies who are up all night, and big decisions looming ahead.

When I think of the number of complex personal problems that enter a classroom on any given day, it’s a wonder that anyone ever has a good day. But through God’s grace, we can have good days!

And if we do have a bad day, we can take our cares to the Lord. We can lay them at His feet and ask for His new mercies every morning. We can keep our hearts fixed on Him. When the next day arrives, we can hope that today will be a good day.

Please go with me into this new day, Lord. Please let Your love show through me and draw someone to want to know You more. I pray for the salvation of all of my co-workers and students. I ask this in Jesus’ powerful name, Amen.

Copyright Cheryl Skid.

Cheryl is a member and retired educator from Missouri.

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Daily Devotionals for Christian Educators

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Teachers of Vision is a digital and printed magazine that is for teachers and written by teachers to encourage and equip the educational community.

The Beauty of Teaching

10 Responses

  1. This was the perfect devotion to speak to me on a Monday morning! I have a class on Mondays that I am trying to pour more love and effort into than others, but that I often end feeling defeated and depleted. Thank you for allowing God to speak through you this morning!

  2. thank you for this great devotional. I needed it today, a Monday… sometimes walking back in to my classroom is tough after the weekend.

    1. I’m so glad today’s devotional blessed you, Maria! I pray you feel God’s strength and encouragement today and every day!

  3. AMEN! So many things happen in one day because of each person we come in contact with. May God continue to be with each one of us through thick and thin to guide and comfort us. Thanks for the encouragement!

  4. Having served as a building administrator and then as a superintendent for 25 plus years in addition to teaching for 15 years, this is one of the best pieces of advice and counsel I have read. As educators we have been blest by God to be a Light ithe classrooms of the minds of not only the youth we instruct but the communities with which we interact.

    1. Stephanie, we are so blessed to serve a loving God who restores our souls and offers His new mercies every morning! God bless you as you continue serving your students!

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