The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23, ESV

They say some of us get up saying, “Good Lord, it’s morning,” while others rise and say, “Good morning, Lord.”

It’s interesting how many people in the Bible rose early to worship or meet with God. The Psalms frequently mention meeting God early in the morning. And, we know Jesus made a habit of going off by himself early in the morning to pray.

After spending His days (sometimes very long days) teaching, healing, and calming storms, Jesus must have been exhausted. But instead of sleeping in, Jesus got up early to recharge by talking with the only One who could really meet His needs, His Father, God.

As teachers, we spend our days (sometimes very long days) teaching, and although we don’t heal the sick and calm the waves, we do help heal hearts and broken relationships, and calm the emotional storms that go with classroom life. I love what I do, but many days I am exhausted from all of it. I have learned to go to my Heavenly Father early in the morning. I put on the full armor of God by spending time reading the Word and in prayer. This prepares me for the spiritual battles I will face by helping me tune in to what God is saying and doing in my life, my family, and my ministry as a teacher. I bring my concerns to the throne room of Grace and lay them all at the feet of the only One who can meet all of those needs. God’s love never ceases. His mercies never end. They are there every morning when I rise up to meet Him because He is faithful.

Heavenly Father, Thank you for Your faithful love and mercy. Thank you for meeting me every time I call on You and for providing me with the strength to serve You day after day. Help me to faithfully complete the things You have asked me to do with love and grace so that others might see You through me. Amen.

Copyright Diana Anderson.

Diana is a member who teaches history and art to secondary students at a Christian school in Kennewick, WA.

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