“Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” At once they left their nets and followed him. Matthew 4:19-20, NIV

As I prepared the day’s lessons and graded papers the other morning before school, I suddenly envisioned Jesus standing at the door of my classroom with His hands outstretched. He had scars in the center of each gentle, torn hand. His eyes seemed to pierce me and see into the very depths of me. I know that He knows me better than I know myself. His eyes reflected a depth of sorrow, compassion, and joy that I have never seen on the face of any person.

In a quiet yet compelling and commanding voice He said, “Come follow me and I will make you a fisher of students, parents, and staff.”

So, I put down the lesson I was working on and embraced Him. He held me in His arms, gently and securely.

Even though many questions started racing through my mind, and I didn’t know exactly what being a fisher of parents, students, and staff meant, I began to quietly weep and tell Him, “I am ready.” I trust Him, even though I don’t know what the future holds. I just know He holds the future.

Today, I reaffirm my decision to follow Jesus in His classroom. Today, I will be a fisher of students, parents, and staff. Each morning when I come to work, I vow to first put down all the cares and responsibilities that this job entails, and spend time alone with Jesus in prayer. It is upon this foundation that all the rest of my day is built. Jesus is the focus of each day for me in His classroom.

Jesus, You call me to be a fisher of students, parents, and staff. Every morning, I will drop my professional responsibilities to be embraced by You, listen to You, and speak to You. Please guide me. Amen.

Copyright Don Clark.

Don is a member and a retired elementary special education teacher. He recently retired from his role as the Houston area director for Christian Educators.

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