The Lord is our friend.

This statement may seem unfathomable to some people. It may even seem a bit disrespectful to those who don’t know the Lord. However, God clearly promises His friendship to us when we fear Him. Now, it can also be hard to understand how fear and friendship could possibly coexist. But, I think the best way to describe this sentiment is “awe.” Nonetheless, we stand in awe that the God of the universe has time for us and makes known to us the hope of His promises.

No matter how hard your day is today, you can rest in the promise of His unconditional friendship and love.

Father, what an honor that You, the Lord of the universe, would choose to be friends with me! I long to be an educator with You rather than for You. Show me how to stay in a place where Your friendship can find me and help me to better listen to the words that You are speaking. Amen.

Copyright Karen Seddon.

Karen is the Florida Director for Christian Educators and the author of several books encouraging educators in prayer.

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Kingdom Perspective

One Response

  1. Thank you for your continuing leadership in CEAI over these many years. This devotional is on target and both practical and inspirational. Thank you.

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