Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand. Isaiah 41:10, NIV

Some of us are more fearful than others. But, we are all afraid of something. For me, fear used to literally cripple me.

I wish I had known the Lord when I was younger. If I had, I would not have suffered with fear for so long. However, I do believe that God can use my past as a testimony to others, offering compassion and hope to others who battle anxiety.

Surprisingly, I walked with the Lord for almost 12 years before I began to diligently ask Him to set me free from the fear that plagued me.

Why? I believe it is because up until that point, I never fully understood that faith and fear cannot live peacefully in the same heart. It took a major event in my life for me to finally confront my fears and truly live out the faith I had already claimed. But when I did, I finally realized that fear is nothing more than a lie from the enemy who wants to steal your peace and rob you of your joy.

Today’s verse from Isaiah is a beautiful promise from God to His children. He simply asks us to trust in Him. And He reminds us that He is more than sufficient.

If you are overwhelmed with fear today, I encourage you to ask God to set you free from anxiety and strengthen your faith in Him.

Father, thank you for your promises. Please remind me daily that living in fear is living outside of faith.

Copyright Kelly Pizarro.

Kelly is a born-again believer with a heart to challenge and encourage others in their walk with Christ.

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One Response

  1. I was VERY encouraged by your devotional. It came at just the right time 🙂 No need to fear. I choose to give my cares over to our loving Heavenly Father. Yhank you again for sharing the word of encouragement!

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