But Jesus looked at them and said, “With men it is impossible, but not with God; for with God all things are possible.” Mark 10:27, NKJV

When you face challenges in your classrooms, do you turn them over to God? Do you believe that He has a solution you are not able to think of on your own? Do you truly trust Him to meet your needs and the needs of your students?

God is the best at helping us meet the needs of our students because He knows the specific needs of each of His children. Therefore, we can confidently go to God with our concerns and trust that He has a solution and knows what is best. And He will give us peace as He works on our behalf. When God makes a promise, He always delivers—even when what He has promised seems overwhelming.

Dear God, help us to trust You and believe Your promises. When we face a challenge in our schools, let us come to You and seek Your guidance. Give us the confidence to trust Your lead and to know there is no student we cannot reach in some way when we trust Your direction. Amen.

Copyright Laurie Dahle.

Laurie is a member and a physical therapist who works in a Missouri public school district. She also writes her own daily devotionals. If you are interested in receiving them, you may contact her at faithexercisediet@gmail.com.

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Teachers of Vision is a digital and printed magazine that is for teachers and written by teachers to encourage and equip the educational community.

The Beauty of Teaching

One Response

  1. Skipped right to the end of my TOV hard-copy to read “My Modeling Contract.”
    I can’t point to one of the five examples give. All right on…definitely a reread for the month to come!

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