Yet this is no cause for shame, because I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him until that day. What you heard from me, keep as the pattern of sound teaching, with faith and love in Christ Jesus. 2 Timothy 1:12b-13, NIV

Just as we have entrusted God with the many aspects and responsibilities of our lives, He entrusts us with an incredible and significant part of His great plan. I get excited when I think about the incredible opportunity we have as educators to touch the lives of our students for Him and be used as a vessel to invite His children into a personal relationship with Him.

Have you cared for the students He entrusted to you this year? Do you feel confident that your words and actions have been living examples of your faith in Jesus Christ? Do you have students that still need to experience God’s unconditional love through you?

During these next few weeks, we can remember that it is not too late to reach any of our students. We can finish this year with no regrets. We can fuel these last days with a passion to fulfill the goals we set forth at the beginning of the year. God is always faithful to guard all that we entrust to Him!

Lord, please reveal to me what You would have me do today. Please give me the words you want me to share with my students. Thank You. Amen.

Copyright Kathy Branzell.

Kathy has a heart for encouraging Christian educators and currently serves as the President of the National Day of Prayer Task Force. Prior to this role, she was the founder and president of Fellowship and Christian Encouragement (FACE) for Educators.

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The Beauty of Teaching

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