But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him Who called you out of darkness into marvelous light. 1 Peter 2:9, NKJV

During the month of February, we will most likely see our fair share of heart-shaped candies with messages of affection printed on them. And just like candy corn at Halloween or Peeps at Easter, you either love or hate the taste of them. But even if you don’t like the taste of them, we can all appreciate the thoughtful messages they bear such as, “Be Mine.”

I want to take the opportunity today to tell you that long before Valentine’s Day ever existed—and every day since—God has sent you the message, “Be Mine.”

But sometimes, it seems like we distort His message to “Be Busy.” We think that God’s affection or amount of affection for us is based on what we do for Him. We make too many commitments when all He wants is for us to commit our hearts to Him. We become weary from all our doing while God waits for us to slow down long enough to enjoy a sunset or sit awestruck by the ocean and just talk with Him.

We must remember that God simply asks us to “Be.” His desire is for each of us to believe and belong to Him. This Valentine’s Day and every day, my prayer is that you would behold His great love for you and “Be His.”

Lord, may we remember to Whom we belong. May we spend time being with You and loving You. Amen.

Copyright Kathy Branzell.

Kathy has a heart for encouraging Christian educators and currently serves as the President of the National Day of Prayer Task Force. Prior to this role, she was the founder and president of Fellowship and Christian Encouragement (FACE) for Educators.

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