Joshua told the people, “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you.” Joshua 3:5, NIV

God is still doing amazing things. Personally, He has blessed me, my family, and our ministry in ways I could have never hoped or dreamed. I find myself amazed at how He takes care of my needs and many times my desires. He amazes me in the beauty of this world, in the opportunities He provides, and in His forgiveness that cleanses me white as snow.

How has God taken your breath away lately? Do you wake up each morning giddy with anticipation of the amazing things God will do today? When you pray, do you seek amazing answers? Have you dedicated your classroom to Him this year? Have you prayed over each student’s name or desk? Are you watching for amazing things to happen this year?

I want to encourage you to consecrate (set apart, purify) yourself and your classroom this year. Dedicate yourself and all that will be accomplished in your classroom to His glory—and prepare to be amazed by God this year!

Oh, Lord!! We are watching for the amazing things You will be doing!! We pray for our unsaved relatives, friends, co-workers, and students who need to understand what Jesus did for them. Amen.

Copyright Kathy Branzell.

Kathy has a heart for encouraging Christian educators and currently serves as the President of the National Day of Prayer Task Force. Prior to this role, she was the founder and president of Fellowship and Christian Encouragement (FACE) for Educators.

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