The first thing I want you to do is pray. Pray every way you know how, for everyone you know. 1 Timothy 2:1, MSG
How often do we view prayer as a last resort? We’ve tried everything we can think of, so all we can do now is pray. But shouldn’t we go to prayer first? Shouldn’t we beseech God daily to transform our classrooms, to work in our students’ hearts, and to guide us to deal with each situation wisely?
The truth is we need God, and we need prayer! He alone can move when we’re at a loss, reaching into lives that seem hopeless, transforming them when we thought nothing else could. He alone can guide us, filling us with His Spirit, and equipping us to meet each challenge with patience, grace, and wisdom. He can do all this, and more. But have we asked Him?
Prayer truly does change things. It not only moves God to act in the affairs of our lives and classrooms, but it also changes our own hearts and brings them in alignment with His perfect plan. So with the importance of prayer utmost in our minds, here are some specific things we can pray for today and throughout the year.
30 Prayers for Christian Teachers to Pray:
- That students will be motivated, focused, and on-task
- That God would give you opportunities to speak truth into your students’ lives
- That there would be a spirit of unity and respect amongst your students
- That your students would feel safe and loved in your classroom
- That your students’ families and homes would be strengthened
- That God would keep your students safe from danger
- That God would work in your students’ lives to draw them to Himself
- That God would keep your students from sin and its deception
- That God would bring the right friends and mentors into your students’ lives to guide and encourage them
- That God would direct your students’ future plans into the paths He has for them
- That God would help you see your students’ needs and give you opportunities to help them
- That God would give you wisdom to know how to handle various situations that arise in your classroom
- That God would show you what needs to change in your own life and give you the grace to be more like Him
- That God would empty you of yourself and fill you with His Spirit
- That God would give you strength and energy to do His work today
- That God would give you a love for each of your students, especially the ones that try your patience
- That God would give you the boldness to speak the truth and the love to share it effectively
- That God would help you use your time wisely and know how to care for both your students and your family
- That God would bring the right friends and mentors into your own life to encourage and strengthen you (and that you will be an encouragement and mentor to others)
- That God would give you the right words as you teach so that you will be effective, engaging, and relevant
- That you would depend on His Spirit and not on your own strength
- That others would see Jesus in you and be drawn to Him.
- That your fellow teachers would have energy and wisdom
- That God would give strength to the school’s support staff
- That your administration would have the wisdom to make the right decisions
- That there would be a spirit of unity amongst the faculty, staff, and administration
- That God’s Spirit would be at work in hearts and lives
- That the parents would be involved and that there would be a spirit of oneness and cooperation
- That God would direct the decisions that are being made that you have no control over
- That God would bring the right teachers, administration, staff, and students to your school
Copyright Linda Kardamis.
Linda is the founder of Teach 4 the Heart, a website that provides practical help and biblical encouragement for Christian teachers. She’s also one of the co-creators of the annual Rise Up Summit.
Let’s put these 30 Prayers for Teachers to Pray to use!
Don’t forget that today starts Christian Educators’ Steps of Prayer movement. Every day in September be intentional to pray as you walk around your school. At the end of the school day, report your steps/distance to the webpage linked above and let’s see how God transforms our “Steps of Prayer” into testimonies of His faithfulness!