The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. James 5:16b, NKJV
Today is the National Day of Prayer. Please join us in praying this year’s prayer for America from the National Day of Prayer Task Force:
We come with fervent hearts to praise You, Lord. You are the Word, the Way, the Truth, and the Life, the Alpha and the Omega, the Lion of Judah, the Almighty God who was, and is, and is to come. You clothed Yourself in flesh and dwelt among us to remove our sin and clothe us in Your righteousness that we might dwell with You forever and ever.
With broken, humbled hearts we repent of our sins. Confessing to You our faithlessness, prayerlessness, and disobedience. Forgive us for our doubt, our prideful and quarrelsome words that reveal our unclean hearts. Cleanse us and renew a right and steadfast spirit within us, we pray.
With grateful hearts we thank You fervently for the blessings in our lives and throughout America; they are more than we are able to count. We will remember Your grace and testify to Your goodness in all generations. Help us to refrain from complaining, but instead, be prompted to pray faithfully in every circumstance. Teach us to have a content heart knowing You are always enough for our every need.
As the Church, we commit to pray and love our neighbor and nation as You loved us, that our reputation in this world would be rooted in Your love. Holy Spirit works and overflows through us in every prayer, thought, word, and deed. May our character, conversations, and conduct reflect the righteousness in which You clothed us and commanded us to live.
With an obedient heart, we put on the full armor of God; Your breastplate of righteousness guards our hearts. We pray fervently for our communities and country; the people in our churches, family, education, business and workplace, military, government, arts, entertainment, and media. Every person is Your workmanship, fearfully and wonderfully created and loved. With hopeful hearts, we pray that all would choose to receive Your love and follow You. We pray that America would confess “Jesus is Lord” and reflect Your righteousness in every sphere of influence, and every aspect of our lives. We ask that heavenly hope would flood our hearts, silence hate and that You will heal our land.
Believing You; all You are, all You said, and all You have promised, we pray fervently in righteousness and avail much. In Jesus’ Name, we pray, amen!
Copyright Kathy Branzell.
Kathy has a heart for encouraging Christian educators and currently serves as the President of the National Day of Prayer Task Force. Prior to this role, she was the founder and president of Fellowship and Christian Encouragement (FACE) for Educators.