It’s Weird Out There

After a summer break, it is so good to be back writing Free to Teach! It’s back-to-school season. It’s election season. And it’s weird.  I have been a political observer my entire life. I started as a childhood news junkie who crushed the other kids in the classroom “news game” that was sponsored by a […]

The Biden Administration Title IX rules are blocked in 26 states

Aug. 22, 2024—In April, the Biden Administration put forward an illegal rewrite of Title IX that would require schools across the country to implement gender ideology. These new rules were to go into effect on August 1 and require school districts to adopt them or potentially lose federal funding. However, thanks to the work of […]

Member Service Report 2023 – 2024

Member Service Report Read about specific cases in which Christian Educators has provided vital help to our members Our Member Service report provides a great overview of how we protect our members and keep them teaching in the classroom, even when the environment gets hostile. This report is essential for anyone who wants to understand […]

The Jesus Way

“There’s only one way to not be threatened by anything, and that’s if you have nothing to lose.” -Brant Hansen This is certain to be my most unpopular column… Having been an American Christian for over 40 years, I’ve noticed some things. We all want the blessings of following Christ. We crave the peace of […]

Christian Educators joins lawsuit to halt the Biden admin’s unlawful effort to rewrite Title IX

Contact: Executive Director David Schmus 888-798-1124 Christian Educators joins lawsuit to halt the Biden admin’s unlawful effort to rewrite Title IX Thursday, May 16, 2024 COVINGTON, Ky. – On Thursday, Christian Educators, represented by Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), filed a motion asking a federal district court to immediately halt the Biden administration’s efforts to rewrite Title […]

Navigating Tough Conversations

There have been many instances in which I have had to deliver difficult news, and almost every time I lose sleep or feel sick about it. One example included having to navigate a conflict between a teacher, student, and parent. While each of the parties had valid perspectives, neither one could see the other’s side. […]

Leaders Who Knew It Wasn’t About Them

In celebration of Washington’s and Lincoln’s birthdays this month, which have been awkwardly combined into “President’s Day,” I would like to start by honoring each of them. At the risk of sounding cliché, it is difficult to understate the gratitude we owe to George Washington. His force of character held the colonial army together during […]

Walking in the Opposite Spirit

I regularly send a prayer update to about 100 friends, supporters, and intercessors. I title the email “Pastoring Christian Educators,” as that is really how I see my role as Executive Director of Christian Educators. One of the more challenging aspects of my role involves reading one or two referrals a week describing a teacher […]

Free to Teach – October 2023

Legally speaking, are things actually getting better for Christians in public schools? Is the recognition of the religious rights of educators and students being expanded by the federal courts? Although in many areas of the country we face heightened cultural opposition, legally speaking, the answer is a resounding “yes” for both educators and students. Educators […]

In Every Circumstance

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Philippians 4:8, NIV Sometimes, when God’s plans and our plans do not align, it can be challenging to see past our own expectations and pride […]