Peace During Political Seasons

As Christian educators, we often serve diverse communities with diverse perspectives, including those who may not share our beliefs. In a political season especially, we can feel the weight of this pressing down on us. And while the emotions we wrestle with are real, they aren’t always reliable. We must remember that we can’t react based on how we feel. Instead, we are called to be transformed—renewing our minds with God’s truth, not being conformed to the noise of the world. We are called to trust the voice that speaks peace—to be still in the storm and let God’s peace reign over our hearts and minds.

Romans 12:2 urges us: Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing, and perfect will.

Three steps to stay anchored in peace during political seasons:

  1. Focus on truth, not emotion:
    Ask yourself, Am I responding out of fear, anger, or frustration, or am I acting based on God’s truth? It’s easy to get swept up in emotions, but true transformation happens when we let God’s Word be our guide, not our feelings.
  2. Seek clarity in God’s Word:
    When it feels like everything is pulling us in different directions—whether it’s political views, social pressures, or work challenges—our anchor is the truth of Scripture. God’s Word is the foundation on which we can stand, even when everything else feels chaotic.
  3. Act from a place of peace, not panic:
    God does call us to act, but He doesn’t want us to be driven by the urgency of the world’s demands. Before responding to situations, seek His peace first. Only then can we respond with wisdom and grace rather than reacting impulsively.

As we navigate this political season, let’s commit to being transformed—not by the headlines, comments, or the storm of opinions swirling around us—but by the renewing of our minds in Christ.

Take time today to pause. Ask God to fill you with His peace. Let go of the need to react, and embrace the stillness He offers. Then, when you do speak or act, do so from a place of peace grounded in God’s truth.

SavED by Grace

A fun and encouraging blog community designed to highlight the stories and testimonies of Christian educators, empowering and encouraging them as they faithfully serve each and every day in their schools. 

2 Responses

  1. Thank you for this great and truthful reminder. I’m so thankful for God’s peace in this pressure packed world. I love The reminder to “be transformed.” Thank you Jessica for sharing your gifts with us.

    1. Susan!! Thanks for taking the time to comment and provide feedback. I pray that you have a blessed year.

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