Embracing Imperfection

One of the most liberating truths I’ve encountered as a Christian is that we don’t have to be perfect to serve God’s purpose. 

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13, NIV

As educators, we often strive for perfection, setting high standards for ourselves and our students. When we continue to climb an unsustainable ladder of perfection, the inevitable imperfect fall can be hard to handle. But when we take time to let go of the weight and worry of what the world expects from us, we open ourselves to the wisdom and guidance of what God is calling us to do. And the beauty of God’s calling is that it embraces our imperfections.

Today, I want to encourage you to take a moment to reflect deeply on what God has been teaching you this summer so you can focus more on what He’s calling you to do… 

Unwrap: What gifts did He highlight in your teaching journey this past year? Where did you feel His presence most strongly? These insights are like signposts guiding us toward His purpose for our lives and careers.

Enjoy: Instead of striving for perfection, let’s focus on cultivating authenticity and grace in our work. When we release the burden of perfectionism, we create space for God’s wisdom and guidance to shine. It’s in our imperfections that His strength is made perfect.

Prepare: Looking ahead to the next school year, consider what you want to nurture and develop in your teaching practice and spiritual life. Whether it’s fostering a more inclusive classroom environment, deepening your connection with students, or growing in your own faith journey—these aspirations are where God meets us in our everyday lives.

So, as we enjoy this summer break, let’s surrender our need for perfection and embrace God’s perfect love and grace. Let’s lean into His presence in every moment, trusting that He is at work in us and through us, shaping us into the educators and disciples He has called us to be.

SavED by Grace

A fun and encouraging blog community designed to highlight the stories and testimonies of Christian educators, empowering and encouraging them as they faithfully serve each and every day in their schools. 

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CE Summer Bible Study

Thanks for your interest in joining us as we read through the New Testament with our fellow Christian educators this summer!