Compass Workshop


9:00 am


11:30 am

Overcoming the Crisis of Self-Censorship in Public Schools: 

How Christian Educators Can Lead the Way


2.5 CEUS available


This workshop will explore your calling as a transformational leader who can provide a better way forward in the midst of a cancel culture that seeks to erase the Christian influence from public schools. You will be encouraged as we illuminate biblical truth regarding your role as an ambassador for Christ and discuss practical examples for building bridges of support in your faith communities.  This workshop also will equip you with confidence as we share how recent court victories, including significant U.S. Supreme Court victories from the 2022 term, strengthens your religious liberties on campus.

Clint Elliott has more than thirty years’ experience as an attorney practicing in a variety of areas, including employment law, religious liberties, and First Amendment rights. Clint is an ordained pastor and has served in pastoral ministry at several local churches but is currently serving the larger church through equipping and discipleship ministries and teaching.  Clint serves as the Executive Director and General Counsel for the Justice Defense Foundation of Kentucky, a nonprofit that exists to promote, pursue, and defend biblical justice in the marketplace and in public schools. Clint is a member of the Christian Legal Society, serves as an Alliance Defending Freedom allied attorney, and serves on the Board of Christian Educators Association International.  He recently completed his PhD doctoral studies researching transformational leadership among Christian public-school educators.

Date – Saturday, September 24th, 9-11:30am

Location – Grace Church, 9301 Eden Prairie Road, Eden Prairie, MN, Room 115 (Enter Door 4)

Cost – $10

2.5 CEUs available

Compass Public School Ministry
Grace Church
9301 Eden Prairie Road, Eden Prairie, MN, Room 115 (Enter Door 4)

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