Christian Educators Association wins lawsuit against Biden Admin Title IX rules

Contact: Executive Director David Schmus 888-798-1124 Federal judge strikes down attempt to change the meaning of sex to include “gender identity” Nationwide ruling frees educators from having to violate their consciences or risk losing their jobs     Thursday, January 9, 2025 COVINGTON, KY – A federal district court has struck down the Biden […]

The Biden Administration Title IX rules are blocked in 26 states

Aug. 22, 2024—In April, the Biden Administration put forward an illegal rewrite of Title IX that would require schools across the country to implement gender ideology. These new rules were to go into effect on August 1 and require school districts to adopt them or potentially lose federal funding. However, thanks to the work of […]

The Biden Administration Title IX rules are blocked in at least 22 states

Aug. 8, 2024—In April, the Biden Administration put forward an illegal rewrite of Title IX that would require schools across the country to implement gender ideology. These new rules were to go into effect on August 1 and require school districts to adopt them or potentially lose federal funding. However, thanks to the work of […]

Christian Educators and six states win injunction against Biden’s Title IX rules

Contact: Executive Director David Schmus 888-798-1124 Christian Educators and six states win injunction against Biden’s Title IX rules Federal judge rules that the attempt to redefine sex is “arbitrary and capricious” and violates educators’ rights. The Title IX rewrite is now blocked in 10 states. Christians working in public schools are gaining freedom from […]

Christian Educators joins lawsuit to halt the Biden admin’s unlawful effort to rewrite Title IX

Contact: Executive Director David Schmus 888-798-1124 Christian Educators joins lawsuit to halt the Biden admin’s unlawful effort to rewrite Title IX Thursday, May 16, 2024 COVINGTON, Ky. – On Thursday, Christian Educators, represented by Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), filed a motion asking a federal district court to immediately halt the Biden administration’s efforts to rewrite Title […]

An Important Victory for Christian Educator Freedoms!

At Christian Educators, we have been monitoring the case of Coach Kennedy for several years. With his recent victory at the Supreme Court, we are pleased to present guidance on what this case means for public school educators. I am grateful for this wisdom from Dr. Clint Elliott, the chairman of our Christian Educators Board […]

Christian Educators bringing the compassion of Jesus to Ukrainian refugees

New update Apr 5, 2022 About the campaign Mar 29, 2022 Have you wanted to help with the suffering of Ukrainians, but weren’t sure how? I would like to invite you, as a Christian educator, to come alongside other Christian educators who are providing critical help to Ukrainian refugees. I often get asked about the “I” in […]

Washington Education Watch, April, 2021

The most recent chapter in the effort to prescribe a nationwide history and/or civics curriculum for students began in 2020 with the release of the New York Times 1619 Project, which was developed to reframe the traditional narrative of American history around the history of slavery in the United States. President Trump reacted to the 1619 Project […]

Washington Education Watch, March, 2021

As February drew to a close the House of Representatives passed the Equality Act, a controversial piece of legislation that would amend the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and other federal statutes. According to the congressional summary, House Resolution 5 “prohibits discrimination based on sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity in areas including public accommodations and facilities, […]

Washington Education Watch, February, 2021

Last month’s column prompted more messages of both objection and support than any other column I have written. Thanks so much for taking the time to share your thoughts. The responses from members provided a broad perspective that I could not have done alone. I would encourage you to look over that column and the responses.  You will […]