Darren Ellwein is a middle school principal in Harrisburg, South Dakota. He has created a culture of empowerment for adults and learners in his building. His school has embraced the Makerspace movement, created design thinking courses and entrepreneur classes. Kids advocate for themselves by creating their schedules daily through differentiated offerings from teachers. In 2019 he co-authored the book, The Revolution, through Dave Burgess Consulting, Inc. In 2017 he was selected Digital Principal of the Year by the National Association of Secondary School Principals. On a personal level, Darren is a fourth generation farmer in South Dakota. He is married to Tracee, and they have three children – Caleb, Ella and Ember. Can’t forget their three dogs – Emmitt, Izzy and Olaf! You can connect with him on Twitter and Instagram (@dellwein) and LinkedIn. Check out his website: www.darrenellwein.com to see his book and posts.