Teaching a Bible Elective Course in Public Schools

With Todd Steenbergen and Rosie Bertles Did you know that many states now have laws allowing and even requiring schools to offer elective Bible courses in public schools? While these courses cannot be taught devotionally, they do expose students to the influence of Scripture on history, literature, and culture. Come learn pro tips on teaching […]
Guidance on Constitutionally Protected Prayer and Religious Expression in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools

Standing on the Front Lines: Legal Answers for Christian Educators

Standing on the Front Lines: Legal Answers for Christian Educators in 2024 with David Schmus of Christian Educators, Clint Elliott of Justice Defense Foundation of Kentucky, and Tyson Langhofer of Alliance Defending Freedom It can feel like a minefield trying to navigate current cultural and legal issues as a Christian serving in public schools. Would […]
How to Reach More Students with Christian Clubs (with David Schmus) [VIDEO]

Are you curious about Christian groups, clubs, and campus ministry? In this encore session from Rise Up 2019, David shares how you can use these extracurricular opportunities to spread the Good News across your public school campus.
Don’t Get Fired… Thrive

Don’t Get Fired… Thrive: Best Practices & Common Missteps in Public School Employment with David Schmus, Finn Laursen, David Piccolo, and Jean Lamfers of Christian Educators Avoidable missteps can often land well-meaning Christian educators in unfortunate circumstances in our public schools. Let a panel of experts from Christian Educators help you remain long-term in your […]
We Are Christian Educators [Membership Flyer]

Christian Educators is the only nationwide professional association for public school educators that stands with you from a Biblical worldview, and doesn’t spend any of your money on politics.
What Can We Do As Christian Public School Educators? [VIDEO]

As Christian public school educators, we’ve all heard about the separation of church and state. Many of us would like to walk out our faith more openly, but live in fear of breaking the law and suffering the consequences. We know there are things we can’t do. But doesn’t the Constitution protect our rights as […]
Religious Liberties in Public Schools

Print this resource and give to your peers. Encourage them to join the Christian Educators Movement.
Teach With Faith (Not Fear)

Where are the legal lines drawn for public school educators? Can we tell our students about our faith? How do recent Supreme Court rulings affect our religious freedoms? Learn the key federal law that sets those boundaries and how it applies in specific situations in the classroom so you have clarity on what you can […]
A Teacher’s Guide to Religion in the Public

Teachers need to be fully informed about the constitutional and educational principles for understanding the role of religion in public education.