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How many times have you felt a burden to pray for your school, but weren’t sure how, or felt all alone? Join us as we learn and experience new practical ways to pray for our schools designed especially for educators.

Join us for an optional 30 minutes immediately following to pray for each other in a more intimate, breakout room setting!

at 8:00 PM Eastern, every 2nd Thursday, starting January 14

Click the link below to join the meeting

National Prayer Call Meeting

Meeting ID: 954 5509 6515

Passcode: 575190

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        +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington D.C)

        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

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Meeting ID: 954 5509 6515

Passcode: 575190

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CE Summer Bible Study

Thanks for your interest in joining us as we read through the New Testament with our fellow Christian educators this summer!