The beautiful tapestry God is creating by weaving various circumstances and events in my life together often surprises me.
I wish this wasn’t the case. I really should expect that He will create something beautiful from every situation, anticipating what He will do next. But too often, it catches me off guard, and I am humbled by what He is capable of doing. God recently orchestrated one of these beautiful moments in my life, and I’m still in awe of His faithfulness…
When I started teaching art in a public school, I quickly realized that funds for extracurriculars were scarce. However, I wanted to find a way to enhance my students’ overall experience and encourage their unique gifts and talents in the arts. When I prayed about possible creative solutions, God planted a dream in my heart to start an arts academy. Of course, I would need funding. So I took a leap of faith and applied for a highly selective and sought-after grant. After an extensive application process, months of waiting, and God’s faithful provision, I was thrilled to be awarded the grant to start our school’s first-ever Visual and Performing Arts (VAPA) Academy.
After a successful first full year, I wanted to find a way to celebrate and highlight everything the academy had to offer. Again, I asked God for guidance, and He inspired me to organize an interdisciplinary music and art end-of-year show.
As I planned the program, God gave me another idea that entailed a student painting to the beat of fast-tempo music on a canvas as it spins both clockwise and counterclockwise on an easel. Ambitious, I know.
I shared the idea with the band director, and she agreed that it could be done and would be a great addition to the show. She even offered to lead her jazz band in playing the music and said she had the perfect song. To my surprise and delight, my friend, who lives a very secular lifestyle, suggested “Amazing Grace.”
I excitedly agreed that “Amazing Grace” would indeed be the perfect song.
Next, I asked God which student I should invite to be the artist. He brought a particular female art student named Bella to my mind. She was a sweet Christian girl who, earlier that year, had asked me to mentor her. She had shared some of her heartaches with me as well as her steadfast faith in God to get her through them.
When I asked her what she thought of my ambitious, God-inspired idea, she accepted the challenge with excitement.
A few days later, I shared the spinning canvas idea with a kind man at Home Depot. He provided a list of supplies we would need to create the easel, and the woodshop teacher at my school brought the idea to life. God was weaving all of the pieces together nicely.
Lastly, I needed to find a venue for the event. As I excitedly spread the word, I learned that a school board member and the director of our community’s local performing arts center advocated on my behalf at a city council meeting to use the community’s professional theater for our show at a significant discount—and the request was granted. What a blessing! I could see God’s hand in this endeavor once again.
On the night of the event, hundreds of people entered the 1,251-seat theater—families from across the K-12 district, teachers, administrators, community leaders, professional artists, musicians, students, and friends. They were greeted by student artists and their original art displays in a variety of mediums as they made their way to their seats for the performance.
Once the show began, the curtain rose again and again throughout the evening to reveal talented student performances ranging from tap, hip-hop, and traditional Filipino dancing to a beauty shop quartet to several singing soloists. But the most inspiring performance of the night was yet to come.
When the curtains rose for Bella’s act, the jazz band and music director were ready and in place. Bella and the spinning easel were set up to the right of the stage closer to the audience.
Then, the director raised her hands, and the music began. The chorus of “Amazing Grace” bellowed out through the saxophones and horns to the beat of the percussion. Bella dipped her brush in the paint and got to work, intriguing the audience with the mystery of her technique. The canvas spun as the tempo of the song increased. Bella’s brush strokes moved to the music, up and down, across the spinning canvas in harmonious union with the lyrics.
When the last note of the final chorus was played, Bella brushed her last stroke and turned the image upright. At that moment, the once abstract image on the spinning canvas was revealed. Here, in this large auditorium full of hundreds of people from a public school district, we saw a beautiful painted image of Bella bowing down at the foot of the cross of Jesus.
When the last note of the final chorus was played, Bella brushed her last stroke and turned the image upright.
(Photo: Recreation of the original artwork)
Tears ran down my face as I was struck with the emotion of that moment. I looked at my husband, and his eyes were full of tears as well. I looked at the board members beside me and behind me. Their eyes were also damp. As I looked around, principals, teachers, parents, and students were visibly emotional. Then the crowd broke out in a thunderous applause. My heart was overwhelmed with awe.
The Holy Spirit had filled the theater that night, and God moved in the hearts of people in a powerful way. Glory to God! Maybe the thought of His amazing grace pierced their hearts, or maybe they were moved by the testimony of a young girl’s love for God. But regardless, we felt the presence of God together in that one beautiful moment.
Who would have thought something like this could happen in front of hundreds of people at a public school event? I never would have even dreamt or envisioned it on my own. But I’m starting to learn more and more that anything can happen when God is working…I’m even starting to expect it…and see the beauty of it all.
Cat Dayco Guerra, a Christian Educators member, is the Director of Creative Kingdom Arts, Inc. She has taught in public schools for over 12 years and 10 years in private schools/universities. She passionately encourages people to realize their God-given potential.