LIFT stands for Lasting Impact Fellowship for Teachers and is a part of a national movement to help Christians working in our public schools come together for fellowship, encouragement, prayer and support.

To help in this process we have created a kit of resources designed to make starting a staff fellowship group easier. We know there are many prayer groups, Bible studies and gatherings for fellowship already occurring in schools across America. Our goal is to support those already in existence a helps well as help Christians desiring to start something new.

Included in the LIFT Resource Kit:

Eight devotionals

Scripture reference

Short “food for thought”

3-5 minute video

Reflection questions


Links to helpful articles for Christian Educators

Links to Legal Freedoms videos and resources to help Christian educators navigate what they can, and can’t do as a believer working in a public school.

Links to video testimonies by Christian educators

CE Summer Bible Study

Thanks for your interest in joining us as we read through the New Testament with our fellow Christian educators this summer!